
Vigneto Viola 2019

Vigneto Viola 2019 Bottle 0.75Lt





Our Vigneto Viola has an unmistakable aroma and structure, made from Sangiovese grapes harvested from the Viola vineyard of the same name after careful selection. It is vinified and aged in 7.5 hl oak barrels.

Its characteristic deep ruby red color is its defining element along with its oaky aroma. It is also often fermented in the same barrels in which, after the racking process, it is put back to spend its usual aging period.

The best known red wine in Tuscany, it is a wine of character that we especially appreciate when it accompanies roasts! Like all wines of character, it improves with the passage of time and can also be aged in bottles where it refines its olfactory and taste characteristics.

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Weight 1,2 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 30 cm

6 bottles box, One bottle

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SKU N/A Category

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