Restaurant La Tabaccaia

Welcome to "La Tabaccaia" restaurant located inside the old farm building where tobacco was once dried. The environment has been carefully decorated, featuring brick arches and chestnut beams, also be fascinated by our lemon house from which you can enjoy the villa's Italian garden in every season.

The restaurant has two rooms: one on the second floor, accessible by a travertine staircase, and a heated iron-and-glass Limonaia located about 10 meters from the restaurant in the villa’s small square in front of the Italian garden.

Our restaurant offers Tuscan dishes prepared for the most part with products from our organic farm, ranging from garden vegetables to honey, eggs to fresh pasta made with stone-ground flour. Our menu is renewed every 30 days, but we also offer a special menu that varies daily, with a selection of appetizers, main courses, side dishes and desserts, all made right on our farm.

We invite you to check out our Menu of the Period, but to find out about our off-menu offerings, we suggest you visit us, as they change daily and we cannot keep them updated online!

We invite you to take a look at our Period Menu, but to find out about off-menus you will have to visit us. They change every day and we can’t update them online!

For info or reservation you can contact us at:+390575979256

or with our mail :

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